Conferences & Symposia

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立即註冊,加入塔夫茨 CTSI 和透過轉化研究解決亞裔人口差異聯盟 (ADAPT),參加第八屆年度亞裔健康研討會 – “以公平為數據的中心:讓社區更清晰可見”。

這半天的活動將於美東時間 10 月 8 日(星期二)上午 8:30 分 至下午 1:30分 在塔夫茨健康科學學院舉行。 (早餐和登記:8:30AM-9:15AM 午餐和社交:12:30PM-1:30PM。)

亞裔和太平洋島民 (AA&PI) 是美國成長最快的種族群體,由 50 多個種族組成,講 100 多種語言。儘管 AA&PI 社群的生活經驗和健康需求各不相同,但在健康數據和研究中,他們經常被誤認為是同質的「模範少數族裔」。 2023 年 8 月,馬薩諸塞州通過了《數據公平法案》,這是一項具有里程碑意義的立法,要求痲州機構收集主要族裔群體的數據,而不僅是種族的數據。這種數據分類可以讓人們更準確、更細緻地了解全州不同的社區。雖然該法案是提高數據公平性的重要一步,但政府和衛生部門仍需要進一步努力,以確保所有社區在數據和決策中得到公平的代表。





  • 總結最近通過的馬薩諸塞州數據公平法案、其對現有公共衛生系統的影響及其對促進不同社區健康公平的影響。
  • 討論提升多樣化資料來源、交叉性和以社區為主導的知識收集方法的重要性。
  • 瞭解跨部門和跨種族策略的機會,以促進不同社區在資料收集和知識收集方面的公平代表性。



美東時間 2024 年 10 月 8 日(星期二)上午 8:30分 至下午 1:30分


醫學教育中心–波士頓唐人街 夏利臣街145 號 #114室

(Center for Medical Education, Room #114 | 145 Harrison Ave. — Chinatown, Boston)









位置有限!請於 10 月 1 日之前在此報名註冊



我們的主講人是法學博士 Akil Vohra (阿基爾·沃赫拉) 。身為AAPI 數據政策主任,Vohra (沃赫拉) 先生負責監督聯邦和州戰略,以確保資料的收集、分析、發布和使用,以增進對美國亞裔、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民(AANHPI) 社區的理解和支持。




研討會 議程

8:30 – 9:15 報名及早餐


9:15 – 9:30 歡迎致開幕詞

Harry Selker,塔夫茨 CTSI 院長

Erin Gibson,塔夫茨 CTSI 執行董事

MyDzung Chu,塔夫茨 CTSI ADAPT 總監

Dawn Sauma,ADAPT 共同主席;亞裔反家庭暴力小組 (ATASK) 聯合執行董事


9:30 – 10:00 主題演講

Akil Vohra,政策主任,AAPI 數據


10:00 – 11:00 小組討論:以公平為數據的中心:讓社區更清晰可見


11:00 – 11:15 休息並轉移至分組討論室


11:15 – 12:15 分組討論












12:20 – 12:30 總結與結束語

MyDzung Chu,塔夫茨 CTSI ADAPT 主任


12:30 – 1:30 午餐與交流


感謝我們的研討會策劃委員會(ADAPT 共同主席,亞裔反家庭暴力工作小組共同執行董事 Dawn Sauma;亞裔婦女健康協會執行董事 Naheed Esar;塔夫茨大學醫學院助理教授 Tsung Mou)。以及我們的塔夫茨CTSI 專業教育團隊和外展經理,感謝他們為本次活動所做的所有工作。

活動是免費提供,並獲得美國國立衛生研究院國家轉化科學促進中心的支持,獎項編號 UM1TR004398。內容完全由作者負責,不一定代表 NIH 的官方觀點。

Conferences & Symposia
3rd Annual Asian Health Symposium: From Collecting Data to Collective Impact

Symposium slides (PDF)


Would you like an opportunity for community-building, networking, and learning about research to address Asian health disparities? Mark your calendar for the 3rd Annual Asian Health Symposium: From Collecting Data to Collective Impact. 

This exciting event, free and open to all, is hosted by the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations Through Translational Research (ADAPT) Program and will include:

  • A panel discussion on the importance of collecting disaggregated and local data.
  • An exploratory session on using the Collective Impact approach for creating a roadmap for Asian community health.
  • Group discussions about health priorities for Asian communities in Chinatown and across Greater Boston.

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Download the event flyer here (PDF).


Tuesday, December 6, 8:30AM-1:30PM
Tufts Center for Medical Education, Room 114
145 Harrison Avenue, Boston


  • 8:30AM: Breakfast and registration
  • 9:00AM: Welcome and opening remarks
    • Carolyn Rubin, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI
    • Michael Wagner, President and CEO, Tufts Medical Center and Floating Hospital for Children
    • Alice Rushforth, Executive Director, Tufts CTSI
    • Giles Li, Executive Director, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
  • 9:45AM: Plenary Panel: Addressing Asian Health Disparities – Why Collecting Disaggregated Data Matters
    • (moderator) Aviva Must, Morton A. Madoff Professor of Public Health and Chair, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
    • (panelist) Carolyn Wong, Research Associate, Institute of Asian American Studies, UMass Boston
    • (panelist) Susan Koch-Weser, Assistant Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
    • (panelist) Eugene Welch, Executive Director, South Cove Community Health Center
    • (panelist) Sherry Dong, Director of Community Health Improvement Programs, Tufts Medical Center
    • (respondent panelist) Tackey Chan, State Representative, Second Norfolk District, MA; Asian American Legislative Caucus
    • (respondent panelist) Ramani Sripada, Co-Chair, Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy – Boston Chapter
    • (respondent panelist) Monica Valdes Lupi, Executive Director, Boston Public Health Commission
  • 11:00AM: Break
  • 11:15AM: What is Collective Impact? Creating a Roadmap for Achieving Asian Health
  • 12:15PM: Lunch and group discussions on Asian health priorities
  • 1:00PM: Report-back and closing remarks
    • Carolyn Rubin, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI

Presenting Organizations


Please register here to attend.


Conferences & Symposia
4th Annual Asian Health Symposium: In Pursuit of Health & Wellness: Addressing the Impact of Stress in Asian Immigrant Communities

Would you like an opportunity for community-building, networking, learning about, and addressing the impact of stress on Asian immigrant populations? Mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Asian Health Symposium, In Pursuit of Health & Wellness: Addressing the Impact of Stress in Asian Immigrant Communities.

This exciting event, free and open to all, is hosted by the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations Through Translational Research (ADAPT) Program.

After attending this session, you should be able to:

  • Describe the stressors related to daily living and social determinants facing Asian immigrants
  • Identify resources and services available for mitigating the impact of stress in the community
  • Recognize the value of cross-community dialogue in addressing the impact of stress on Asian immigrant communities


Friday, April 6, 2018, 9:30AM-1:30PM
Pao Arts Center
99 Albany Street, Boston MA, 02111


  • 9:00AM-9:30AM: Breakfast and registration
  • 9:30AM-9:50AM: Welcome and opening remarks
    • Alice Rushforth, Executive Director, Tufts CTSI
    • Megan Cheung, ADAPT Co-Chair; Associate Director/Clinical Director, Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center (GBCAC)
    • Carolyn Rubin, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI
  • 9:50AM-11:00AM: Panel 1: Stressors that Impact Asian Immigrant Communities
    • Moderator: Ed K.S. Wang, Director of Policy and Planning, Chester M. Pierce MD Division of Global Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH); Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Member, Governor’s Advisory Council on Refugees and Immigrants; Board President, National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
    • Panelists:
      • Mary Chin, Executive Director, Asian American Civic Association (AACA)
      • Lisette Le, Executive Director, Vietnamese American Initiative for Development (VietAID)
      • Niem Nay-Kret, Community Health Worker, Lowell Community Health Center
      • Anh Vu Sawyer, Executive Director, The Southeast Asian Coalition (SEAC)
      • Mary Truong, Executive Director, Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants (ORI)
  • 11:00AM-11:10AM: Break
  • 11:10AM-12:10PM: Panel 2: Innovative Strategies for Addressing Stress
    • Moderator: David Takeuchi, Associate Dean for Research, Dorothy Book Scholar, Professor, School of Social Work, Boston College
      Co-Founder, Research in Social, Economic and Environmental Equity (RISE3)
    • Panelists:
      • Pata Suyemoto, Writer, Educator, & Mental Health Activist
        Co-founder, Breaking Silences Project
      • Cynthia Woo, Director
        Pao Arts Center, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
      • Albert Yeung, Co-Medical Director & Head of the Behavioral Health Department South Cove Community Health Center
        Director, Primary Care Studies of the Depression Clinical and Research Program
        Massachusetts General Hospital
      • Liao Zhang, Research Associate
        Disparities Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital
  • 12:10PM-1:10PM: Lunch and table discussions: Critical Factors that Contribute to Community Mental Health and Wellness
    • Susan Koch-Weser, Assistant Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
    • Jean Lim, former Asian Health Equity Fellow, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
  • 1:10PM-1:30PM: Groups report back and closing remarks
    • Carolyn Rubin, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI


  • Mary Chin
    Executive Director, Asian American Civic Association
  • Susan Koch-Weser
    Assistant Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine
    Tufts University School of Medicine
  • Jean Lim
    Former Asian Health Equity Fellow, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
    Tufts University School of Medicine
  • Lisette Le
    Executive Director, Vietnamese American Initiative for Development (VietAID)
  • Anh Vu Sawyer
    Southeast Asian Coalition of Massachusetts
  • Pata Suyemoto
    Writer, Educator, Mental Health Activist
  • David Takeuchi
    Professor and Dorothy Book Scholar
    Associate Dean for Research
    Co-Founder, Research in Social, Economic, and Environmental Equity (RISE³)
    School of Social Work, Boston College
  • Mary Truong
    Executive Director, Massachusetts Office for Refugees and Immigrants (ORI)
  • Ed K.S. Wang
    Director of Policy and Planning, Chester M. Pierce MD Division of Global Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
    Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
    Member, Governor’s Advisory Council on Refugees and Immigrants
    Board President, National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
  • Cynthia Woo
    Director, Pao Arts Center
    Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
  • Albert Yeung
    Co-Medical Director and Head of the Behavioral Health Department at South Cove Community Health Center
    Director of Primary Care Studies of the Depression Clinical Research Program at MGH
  • Liao Zhang
    Research Associate, Disparities Research Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital


Please register here to attend.

Space is limited! Please register by March 16.

Conferences & Symposia
5th Annual Asian Health Symposium

Moving Forward, Looking Back: Using Research to Improve Community Health

Interested in hearing the results of research conducted in Boston’s Chinatown/Asian communities? Wondering what’s next?

Join Tufts CTSI and  the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT) Program for the 5th Annual Asian Health Symposium, Moving Forward, Looking Back: Using Research to Improve Community Health. This half-day event will inform participants about research taking place in and around Chinatown. See how academic/community collaborations fueled research and the findings that resulted from that work. Attendees will hear presentations on recent and ongoing studies focused on overlooked health issues or understudied areas, discuss potential next steps, and brainstorm how to further increase community engagement in research.

Researchers and community members are encouraged to attend this exciting event.

After attending this event, participants should be able to:

  • Identify several exciting research projects completed in Boston Chinatown/Asian Communities in the past five years.
  • Describe the key findings/takeaways from these research projects.
  • Recognize the value of increased community engagement and collaboration with research in your community.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 9:30AM-1:30PM
Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Rachel’s Auditorium, Room 1414 (14th Floor)
1 Kneeland Street, Boston MA


Researchers and community members are encouraged to attend.

Space is limited! Please register here by April 15.


  • 9:00AM: Registration and Breakfast
  • 9:30AM: Welcome Remarks
  • 9:40AM: Opening Remarks
    • Carolyn Rubin, ADAPT Director
    • Dawn Sauma, ADAPT Co-Chair; Co-Executive Director, Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)
    • Ed Flynn, District 2 City Councilor, Boston City Council
  • 10:00AM: Panel 1, Community-Engaged Research Studies in Boston Chinatown/Asian Communities
    • Moderator: Susan Koch-Weser, Assistant Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM)
    • Panelists:
      • Cindy Liu, Director of the Developmental Risk and Cultural Disparities Program, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Assistant Professor, Pediatric Newborn Medicine and Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School. Uncovering the Stress and Mental Health Experiences in Boston Chinese Immigrant Families: The Role of Research in Program Development.
      • Christina Sakai, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine. Pathways to Autism Diagnosis and Management in a Chinese Immigrant Community.
      • Yoyo Yau, Director of Programs, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
      • Amy LeClair, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Tufts Medical Center. The Health of Asians and Chronic Disease Study.
      • Catherine Chang, Quality Assurance Director, Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center (GBCGAC)
      • Carina Katigbak, Assistant Professor, Connell School of Nursing, Boston College. Walking Together: A Multi-Component Intervention to Increase Physical Activity of Ethnic Minority Older Adults.
  • 11:15AM: Break
  • 11:30AM: Panel 2, Studies Conducted by Emerging Scholars: Building the Pipeline of Health Equity Researchers
    • Moderator: Virginia Chomitz, Associate Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine, TUSM
    • Panelists:
      • Mehreen Ismail, PhD Candidate in Food Policy and Applied Nutrition, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University. Food Access and Food Security Experiences of Affordable Housing Residents in Boston’s Chinatown.
      • Taylor Ahlborn, MS Candidate in Biomedical Sciences, TUSM. Facilitators and Barriers in the Service Network for Victims of Violence in the Asian-American Community in Massachusetts. 
      • Jean Jiyoung Lim, PhD Candidate, TUSM. Health Communication in Boston’s Chinatown.
  • 12:15PM: Next Steps and Closing Remarks
    • Carolyn Rubin, ADAPT Director
  • 12:30PM: Lunch and Networking

Spread the Word

Download a flyer (PDF) to share with your networks, colleagues, and friends!


This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Conferences & Symposia
6th Annual Asian Health Symposium: A Virtual Event Part 1

Finding Belonging Amidst Neighborhood Development: A Case for the Arts in Boston’s Chinatown

The Pao Arts Center uses arts, culture, and creativity to promote social cohesion and community well-being in an ethnic enclave, Boston’s Chinatown. In the same neighborhood, luxury development may be disrupting the community’s close-knit social fabric and sense of a coherent cultural identity.

A team comprised of Tufts University researchers, Pao Arts center staff, and community residents investigated whether the Pao Arts Center remedies the effects of this displacement. Preliminary findings from the research will be presented.

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Learn what the research team found about the effects of the Pao Arts Center
  • Understand more about how to do a collaborative, interdisciplinary, community-based research study.


Peter Levine, Academic Dean and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs
Jonathan Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University

Cynthia Woo, Director
Pao Arts Center, Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)

Giles Li, Senior Program Officer
Arts and Creativity, Barr Foundation


Wednesday, October 7, 2020, noon-1:00PM

Online via Zoom (please register to receive the Zoom link and password).


All are welcome to attend. Please register here.



This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Conferences & Symposia
6th Annual Asian Health Symposium: A Virtual Event Part 2

Housing and Health: Exploring Perceptions of Housing and Neighborhood among Residents in a Subsidized Boston Chinatown Housing Complex

In this interactive session, a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and community partners seek reactions and actionable next steps based on findings from a natural experiment designed to explore interrelationships of housing and social determinants on low-income families’ well-being.

In 2019/2020, housing lottery “winners” in Chinatown were surveyed along with applicants who were still “waitlisted” for affordable housing. Results include comparisons of housing and neighborhoods, social and community cohesion, and satisfaction with life and life situations between the residents of the new subsidized housing complex and those still on the waiting list.

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Identify and explore cross-cutting issues for families seeking to stabilize and improve their lives.
  • Discuss implications for local housing providers, developers, and policy makers regarding investing in housing and neighborhoods.
  • Identify actionable next steps for disseminating and/or operationalizing findings.


Virginia Chomitz, Associate Professor
Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine

Angie Liou, Executive Director
Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC)

Elana Brochin, Program Director for Health Equity
Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations (MACDC)


Wednesday, October 14, 2020, noon-1:00PM

Online via Zoom (please register to receive the Zoom link and password).


All are welcome to attend. Please register here.



This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Conferences & Symposia
6th Annual Asian Health Symposium: A Virtual Event Part 3

Talking about Casino Gambling: Community Voices from Boston Chinatown

This presentation summarizes a study of casino gambling behavior of residents and workers in Boston Chinatown.

The aim of the study was to learn about the trajectory and life context of individual participants’ gambling activity, including how individual participants describe their motivation, nature, and frequency of gambling, and its effects on self and family.

The research was conducted by a university-based research team in partnership with the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, and with the assistance of the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling.

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Understand features of gambling behavior and problems, including risk and protective factors, by interpreting interviews of workers and residents in Boston Chinatown.
  • Examine social determinants of gambling problems or addiction, including poverty, job stress, social isolation, and lack of healthy recreational alternatives.
  • Understand the benefits of family-based counseling approaches to address gambling problems in this population.


Carolyn Wong, Research Associate
Institute for Asian American Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston

Yoyo Yau, Director of Programs
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)

Victor Ortiz, Director
Office of Problem Gambling Services, Department of Public Health (DPH)


Wednesday, October 21, 2020, noon-1:00PM

Online via Zoom (please register to receive the Zoom link and password).


All are welcome to attend. Please register here.



This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Conferences & Symposia
7th Annual Asian Health Symposium

Thank you for your interest in Tufts CTSI’s 7th Annual Asian Health Symposium! Registration has closed. The event will be recorded. If you would like to be notified when recordings are available, please email Tufts CTSI Professional Education.


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Unpacking the Root Causes of Problem Gambling in the Asian Community: From Research to Action

Register now to join Tufts CTSI and the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT) Coalition for the 7th Annual Asian Health Symposium “Unpacking the Root Causes of Problem Gambling in the Asian Community: From Research to Action.”

This half-day in-person event will be held Friday, September 30, 2022 from 9:00AM-1:30PM on the Tufts Health Sciences Campus. (Breakfast and Registration: 9:00AM-9:30AM; Lunch and Networking: 12:30PM-1:30PM)

The recently launched Asian CARES report illuminates how problem gambling is the “canary in the coal mine” for the Asian community. Join us to learn about the root causes as well as the short and long-term impacts of gambling addiction on children, families, and the broader Asian community and how problem gambling can be addressed by using a public health approach.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the root causes and systemic conditions that lead to gambling as the espoused form of entertainment for Asian immigrants.
  • Understand the role of community-led organizations as cultural brokers well-suited to provide in-language programs, services, and interventions addressing problem gambling in the Asian immigrant communities.
  • Describe examples of casino marketing tactics targeting the Asian immigrant communities and identify stakeholders and strategies to address this issue.


Friday, September 30, 2022, 9:00AM-1:30PM
Center for Medical Education, Room #114 | 145 Harrison Ave. — Chinatown, Boston


Download and share the English version and translated version!

To visit the translated version of this event page, please click here.


Researchers and community members are encouraged to attend.

Language interpretation and translation services in Chinese Mandarin and Cantonese will be provided.

Space is limited! Please register here by September 23.

Speaker Biographies

To download biographies of all our panelists and speakers, please click here.


9:00-9:30         Registration and Breakfast


9:30-9:45         Welcome and Opening Remarks

Alice Rushforth, Associate Dean of Programs and Partnerships, Tufts CTSI

Kanchana Bhat, Executive Director Tufts CTSI

MyDzung Chu, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI

Dawn Sauma, ADAPT Co-Chair

Co-Executive Director, Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)


9:45-10:00       Keynote

Ben Hires, Chief Executive Officer, Asian CARES Co-Principal Investigator

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)


10:00-11:00     Panel 1: Asian CARES (Center for Addressing Research, Education and Services) Research Findings and Recommendations: Problem Gambling in the Asian Community

Moderator: Dawn Sauma, ADAPT Co-Chair

Co-Executive Director, Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)


Heang Leung Rubin, Asian CARES Co-Principal Investigator

Principal and Founder, CHIC Community Engagement Consulting, LLC


Yoyo Yau, Chief Program Officer (Asian CARES Co-Principal Investigator)

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)


Geumhee Cho, Korean Client Navigator (Asian CARES Community Fieldworker)

Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)


Shirley Zhen, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

South Cove Community Health Center (SCCHC)


Discussion / Q & A


11:00-11:10    BREAK


11:10-12:20     Panel 2: Equity Audit: Impact of Targeted Casino Marketing on the Asian                                 Communities

Moderator: Carolyn Wong, Research Associate

Institute for Asian American Studies, UMass Boston


Ben Hires, Chief Executive Officer, Asian CARES Co-Principal Investigator

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCNC)


Frank Poon, Director

Civic Education Alliance Inc.


Mark Vander Linden, Director of Research and Responsible Gaming

Massachusetts Gaming Commission


Mark Gottlieb, Executive Director

Public Health Advocacy Institute, Northeastern University


Discussion / Q & A


12:20-12:30     Summary and Closing Remarks

MyDzung Chu, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI


12:30-1:30       Lunch & Networking


This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Conferences & Symposia
8th Annual Asian Health Symposium: “Equity-Centered Data: Making Communities Visible”

*To translate this page, please click here*


Equity-Centered Data: Making Communities Visible

Register now to join Tufts CTSI and the Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT) Coalition for the 8th Annual Asian Health Symposium Equity-Centered Data: Making Communities Visible.

This half-day, in-person event will be held Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 8:30AM-1:30PM EST on the Tufts Health Sciences Campus. (Breakfast and Registration: 8:30AM-9:15AM; Lunch and Networking: 12:30PM-1:30PM.)

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AA&PI) populations are the fastest growing racial group in the U.S., comprising over 50 ethnicities speaking more than 100 languages. Despite their diverse lived experiences and health needs, AA&PI communities are often misrepresented as a homogenous “model minority” in health data and research. In August 2023, Massachusetts passed the Data Equity Bill, a landmark legislation mandating state agencies to collect data on major ethnic groups, not just race. This disaggregation of data provides a more accurate and nuanced understanding of diverse communities across the state. While this bill is a significant step towards improving data equity, further efforts are needed across government and health sectors to ensure that all communities are fairly represented in data and decision-making.

Join us to explore the importance of data equity, the vital role of community voices and intersectionality, and cross-sectoral and cross-racial strategies to promote data equity in Massachusetts.

Learning Objectives:

  • Summarize the recently passed Massachusetts Data Equity Bill, its impact on existing public health systems, and its implications for advancing health equity across diverse communities.
  • Discuss the importance of uplifting diverse data sources, intersectionality, and community-led approaches to knowledge production.
  • Identify opportunities for cross-sectoral and cross-racial strategies to promote equitable representation of diverse communities in data collection and knowledge production.


Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 8:30AM-1:30PM EST
Tufts University School of Medicine, Room #114 | 145 Harrison Ave. — Chinatown, Boston


Download and share the English language version and translated version!

To visit the translated version of this event page, please click here.


Researchers and community members are encouraged to attend.

Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) language interpretation will also be available for attendees.

Space is limited! Please register here by Tuesday, October 1.

Speaker Biographies

Our keynote speaker will be Akil Vohra, JD. As Director of Policy for AAPI Data, Mr. Vohra oversees federal and state strategies to ensure collection, analysis, publication, and utilization of data to advance understanding and support of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

Our panel will feature multidisciplinary experts in data equity, including representatives from community-based organizations, government, research institutions, and healthcare systems.

Click here for full biographies of all panelists and speakers!


8:30 – 9:15

Registration and Breakfast


9:15 – 9:30

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Harry Selker, Dean, Tufts CTSI

Erin Gibson, Executive Director, Tufts CTSI

MyDzung Chu, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI

Dawn Sauma, ADAPT Co-Chair; Co-Executive Director, Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK)


9:30 – 10:00


Akil Vohra, Director of Policy, AAPI Data


10:00 – 11:00

Panel: The Data Equity Movement – Gaps and Opportunities

Co-moderators: Carolyn Chou, Executive Director, Homes for All Massachusetts; Tsung Mou, Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

Jenny Chiang, Senior Vice President of Community Engagement and Market Growth, Tufts Medicine Integrated Network

Cheryl Clark, Executive Director and Senior Vice President, Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers’ Institute for Health Equity Research, Evaluation and Policy; Associate Chief for Equity Research and Strategic Partnerships, Division of General Internal Medicine and Primary Care, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Robert Goldstein, Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Bethany Li, Legal Director, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund

Paul Watanabe, Director, Institute for Asian American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston


11:00 – 11:15

Break and Transition to Breakout Rooms


11:15 – 12:15

Concurrent Breakout Rooms

Facilitators: Jaya Aiyer, Director, Asian and Pacific Islanders Civic Action Network; Catherine Chung, Senior Program Manager, Asian Women for Health; Tsung Mou, Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

Group 1: Intersectionality and Structural Drivers of Health

Intersectionality recognizes the multiple identities we hold and the unique challenges individuals face as a result of intersecting and overlapping discrimination. This breakout will explore how we can build research and data systems that capture intersectionality and structural drivers of health.


Group 2: Centering Community Voices

Community stories are vital to understanding the impacts and causes of local issues. This breakout will explore the importance of diverse data – including community stories – and how we can center communities in our data and our ways of producing knowledge.


Group 3: Cross-Racial Strategies for Data Equity

Data equity is a cross-racial issue, affecting diverse communities across the state. This breakout will discuss strategies for cross-racial solidarity to further health equity and to ensure that data equity benefits all communities.


Reconvene and report-out


12:20 – 12:30

Summary and Closing Remarks

MyDzung Chu, ADAPT Director, Tufts CTSI


12:30 – 1:30

Lunch and Networking


Thank you to our Symposium planning committee (Dawn Sauma, ADAPT Co-Chair and Co-Executive Director, Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence; Naheed Esar, Executive Director, Asian Women for Health; and Tsung Mou, Assistant Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine), as well as our Tufts CTSI Professional Education team and Communications Manager, for all of their work on this event.

This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of health, Award Number UM1TR004398. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.

Symposium Recap

Thank you to all who attended ADAPT’s 8th Annual Asian Health Symposium (“Equity-Centered Data: Making Communities visible”) on Tuesday, October 8 at Tufts Health Sciences Campus! More than 100 community leaders and advocates, researchers, clinicians, and elected officials convened in-person to discuss the importance of data equity and uplifting community voices and intersectionality. Among those attending were Massachusetts State Senator Jamie Eldridge and Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn.

Keynote speaker Akil Vohra, JD, Director of Policy at AAPI Data, provided key guidance about the implementation of the federal government’s recent SPD15 standards for detailed race/ethnicity data collection. Co-moderator Carolyn Chou, Executive Director of Homes for All Massachusetts, kicked off the panel discussion by grounding our conversation in the hard-fought journey of APIsCAN and community groups that worked closely with Representative Tackey Chan’s office to pass the MA Data Equity Law in 2023. Our multidisciplinary panelists, Dr. Paul Watanabe, Bethany Li, JD, Dr. Cheryl Clarke, Dr. Robert Goldstein, and Dr. Jenny Chiang provided valuable stories, examples, and recommendations for how to democratize data and ensure that diverse communities are represented and involved in knowledge production.

Breakout groups were led by Jaya Aiyer (Director of APIsCAN), Catherine Chung (Senior Program Manager for Asian Women for Health), and Dr. Tsung Mou (ADAPT Steering Committee member and clinician at Tufts Medicine). These discussion-based sessions helped participants identify strategies for centering community voices, furthering data equity across communities, and building research and data systems that capture intersectionality and structural drivers of health. Thank you to the ADAPT Executive Committee, ADAPT partners, and the CTSI Professional Education team for organizing this year’s Symposium!

Please keep an eye out for recorded presentations and resources from the day, which will be published to Tufts CTSI I LEARN in the coming weeks.









Seminars & Workshops
Building Resilience: “Promoting AAPI Access to Mental Health Care”


Promoting AAPI Access to Mental Health Care

Event Details

Tuesday, October 24


Museum of Science, Boston (directions)

1 Science Park

Boston, Mass. 02114


Tufts CTSI and the Museum of Science cordially invite you to join us on Tuesday, October 24 from 9:00AM-12:00PM for a workshop titled “Building Resilience: Promoting AAPI Access to Mental Health Care.” 

Creating equitable access to mental health care is about more than making services and resources available. In many cultures and communities, mental health care is often stigmatized and shunned, leaving people to suffer in silence or face shame from family and friends.

The Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) population is the fastest growing racial group in Greater Boston, with one of every ten people in Boston identifying as AAPI. Yet, there are huge divides in the care accessible to this community. How can we start bridging the gaps in care? How can we begin the process of improving our healthcare systems to consider diverse perspectives and needs?

Join us as we bring together professionals and community leaders to discuss the current state of mental health care in AAPI communities, make connections, and start the conversation around making changes. Share your voice on this important topic and help us develop a more equitable system for everyone.


Registration is now open!

To register, please click here.

To download and share the event flyer, click here.

Panel Speakers

Catherine Chang, RN, Director of Behavioral Health Program at the Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center (GBCGAC)

Dr. Paul Watanabe, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute for Asian American Studies, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Samara Grossman, MSW, LICSW, Director, Center for Behavioral Health and Wellness Director, Center for Behavioral Health and Wellness, Boston Public Health Commission

Dr. Pata Suyemoto, Training Director, National Asian American Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA); Associate Director of Equity, Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention (MCSP)

Dr. Insoo Hyun (moderator), Director, Center for Life Sciences and Public Learning, Museum of Science, Boston

Seminars & Workshops
Community-Engaged Research in Boston Chinatown

Authentic partnerships for relevant, actionable research

This 90-minute live training will give academic researchers interested in doing engaged research in the Chinatown neighborhood of Boston a basic grounding in authentic and relevant best practices for engaging in this type of work with community partners. The topics to be covered are the benefits and challenges in this research and how to build trusting, authentic relationships with community partners. Through this training, participants will hear some of the voices from the community, and be given time to reflect on your role in and perspective on community engaged research and how to make it action-oriented and relevant in today’s world.

By the end of this training, you should be able to:

  • Define community engaged research as has been practiced in Boston Chinatown.
  • Describe methods for building trust with community partners and research participants.
  • List qualities required for successful community engaged research practice
  • Provide a case study of problem gambling as an example of how community engaged research can be mutually beneficial for researchers and community members.


This training will be taught by Carolyn Rubin, EdD, MA, Director of Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT).

Who should attend

Investigators, research study team members, and graduate students are encouraged to attend.


Thursday, June 3
Online (a link will be sent to those who register).


To attend, please register here.



Seminars & Workshops
Including Non-English-Speaking Participants in Research

Are you a clinical research team member obtaining informed consent from human research volunteers?

Could you or your team use information on best practices and strategies for working with interpreters?

Join Tufts CTSI’s Stakeholder and Community Engagement Program’s quarterly training focused on Including Non-English-Speaking Participants in Research. This is a blended synchronous/asynchronous workshop that includes completion of a required, self-paced tutorial on Tufts CTSI I LEARN followed by an interactive live session hosted on Zoom. The live session will provide an opportunity to practice working with professional interpreters to obtain informed consent with non-English-speaking members of Tufts CTSI’s Stakeholder Expert Panel. Panel members are former research participants and individuals with experience as simulated patients. This is a learning and skill-building opportunity for you and will not be evaluated in any way.

Participants must complete the online pre-work in order to receive the Zoom link for the live training. While in the live session, your active participation is required, including participating in the roleplay, providing feedback to others, and engaging in group discussion. This will ensure that you get the most out of what this training has to offer.

By the end of this training, you should be able to:

  • Identify when a participant needs an interpreter in order to obtain informed consent.
  • Demonstrate the correct procedure for using an interpreter to obtain informed consent.
  • Demonstrate three communication techniques to use while obtaining informed consent with an interpreter.


This training will be taught by Robert Sege, MD, PhD, Tufts CTSI Lead Navigator and Co-Director of Stakeholder and Community Engagement.

Who should attend

Clinical research coordinators, investigators, research fellows, research nurses, and anyone involved in obtaining informed consent are encouraged to attend.


Tuesday, June 8
Online via Zoom (a link will be sent to those who register).

*Pre-work via Tufts CTSI I LEARN must be completed prior to the training.


To attend, please register here.



Seminars & Workshops
Including Non-English-Speaking Participants in Research

Are you a clinical research team member obtaining informed consent from human research volunteers?

Could you or your team use information on best practices and strategies for working with interpreters?

Join Tufts CTSI’s Stakeholder and Community Engagement Program’s quarterly training focused on Including Non-English-Speaking Participants in Research. This is a blended synchronous/asynchronous workshop that includes completion of a required, self-paced tutorial on Tufts CTSI I LEARN followed by an interactive live session hosted on Zoom. The live session will provide an opportunity to practice working with professional interpreters to obtain informed consent with non-English-speaking members of Tufts CTSI’s Stakeholder Expert Panel. Panel members are former research participants and individuals with experience as simulated patients. This is a learning and skill-building opportunity for you and will not be evaluated in any way.

Participants must complete the online pre-work in order to receive the Zoom link for the live training. While in the live session, your active participation is required, including participating in the roleplay, providing feedback to others, and engaging in group discussion. This will ensure that you get the most out of what this training has to offer.

By the end of this training, you should be able to:

  • Identify when a participant needs an interpreter in order to obtain informed consent.
  • Demonstrate the correct procedure for using an interpreter to obtain informed consent.
  • Demonstrate three communication techniques to use while obtaining informed consent with an interpreter.


This training will be taught by Robert Sege, MD, PhD, Tufts CTSI Lead Navigator and Co-Director of Stakeholder and Community Engagement.

Who should attend

Clinical research coordinators, investigators, research fellows, research nurses, and anyone involved in obtaining informed consent are encouraged to attend.


Thursday, June 10
Online via Zoom (a link will be sent to those who register).

*Pre-work via Tufts CTSI I LEARN must be completed prior to the training.


To attend, please register here.



Conferences & Symposia


揭開亞裔社區賭博問題的根源 : 從研究到行動

立即註冊,參加Tufts CTSIADAPT (通過轉化研究解決亞人口差異)聯盟的第七屆亞健康研討會揭開亞洲社區賭博問題的根本原因:從研究到行動

這個為期半天的研討會將於 2022,930, 星期五上午 9:00 至下午1:30 在塔夫茨醫學教育中心, #114 室, 145 Harrison Ave.波士頓唐人街舉行。

(早餐和登記: 9:00AM-9:30AM ;午餐和交流:12:30PM-1:30PM )


最近發布的Asian CARES 報告闡明了問題賭博如何成為亞社區的“煤礦中的金絲雀”。參加我們的研討會, 了解賭博成癮對兒童, 家庭和更廣泛的亞社區的根本原因及短期和長期影響, 以及如何通過使用公共衛生方法來解決賭博問題。


  • 認識到導致賭博成為亞移民所支持的娛樂形式的根本原因和系統性條件。
  • 了解社區主導組織作為文化經紀人的作用, 非常適合提供語言項目, 服務和乾預措施,以解決亞移民社區的賭博問題。
  • 描述針對亞移民社區的賭場營銷策略示例, 並確定解決此問題的利益相關者和策略


9月30日,星期五, 上午 9:00 -下午 1:30

塔夫茨醫學教育中心,#114 室 | 145 Harrison Ave.波士頓唐人街



請下載和分享活動傳單  英文版! 中文版!







9:00-9:30   註冊及早餐

9:30-9:45   歡迎致辭

Alice Rushforth, 項目與合作副院長, Tufts CTSI

Kanchana Bhat,執行董事, Tufts CTSI

MyDzung Chu, ADAPT 主任, Tufts CTSI

Dawn Sauma ,ADAPT 聯合主席

亞洲反家庭暴力工作組 (ATASK) 聯合執行主任


9:45-10:00  主題演講

Ben Hires, 首席執行官 (Asian CARES 聯合首席研究員)

波士頓華埠社區中心 (BCNC)


10:00-11:00 小組討論(1):Asian CARES(解決研究、教育和服務中心)研究結果和建議:亞社區的賭博問題

主持人:Dawn Sauma ,聯合執行主任 (ADAPT 聯合主席)

亞洲反家庭暴力工作組 (ATASK)



Heang Leung Rubin, Asian CARES 聯合首席研究員

負責人兼創始人, CHIC Community Engagement Consulting, LLC


Yoyo Yau, 項目總監(Asian CARES 聯合首席研究員)



Geumhee Cho,Asian CARES 社區實地工作者

亞洲反家庭暴力工作組 (ATASK)


Shirley Zhen, 精神科-心理健康執業護士

南灣社區健康中心 (SCCHC)




11:00-11:10  休息



11:10-12:20 小組討論(2):股權審計:有針對性的賭場營銷對亞裔社區的影響

主持人Carolyn Wong,研究助理

亞裔美國人研究所 (Institute for Asian American Studies, UMASS Boston)



Ben Hires,首席執行官 (Asian CARES 聯合首席研究員)



Frank Poon, 董事

公盟教育 (Civic Education Alliance)


Sothea Chiemruom 執行董事

大洛厄爾柬埔寨互助協會(CMAA Lowell)


Mark Vander Linden,研究和負責任博彩總監

馬薩諸塞州博彩委員會 (Massachusetts Gaming Commission)


Mark Gottlieb, 執行董事

東北大學公共衛生倡導研究所 (Public Health Advocacy Institute, Northeastern University)




12:20-12:30 總結和閉幕詞

MyDzung Chu, ADAPT 主任, Tufts CTSI


12:30-1:30  午餐與交流


本次活動免費提供,並得到了美國國立衛生研究院國家轉化科學促進中心的支持,獎號為 UL1TR002544。內容完全由作者負責,並不一定代表 NIH 的官方觀點。


This event is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.