Tufts CTSI’s Professional Education programs provide non-degree continuing education and training for clinical and translational research professionals from all Tufts CTSI partners and beyond.
Our faculty experts design and teach our seminars and workshops. Our educational offerings are delivered via live (in-person or online), blended synchronous/asynchronous, and 100% asynchronous modalities. These programs equip participants with the competencies needed to advance translational science.
Core Functions
- Training and mentoring curriculum development for clinical and translational research professionals
- Educational events and instructional resources for stakeholders including researchers, community members, patients, and the public
- Translational workforce development pipeline projects
Find Training
The Tufts CTSI I LEARN platform is the one-stop catalog for all Professional Education trainings. Sign up for live (in-person or online) or blended (synchronous/asynchronous) courses, or browse our catalog of more than 60 self-paced online courses and archived events. You can also browse courses by their associated competency domain.
Who is eligible?
Serving more than 1,000 learners annually, our audiences include early to late career investigators (MD, PhD, PharmD, DVM, DMD, DNP, or equivalent), study team members such as research nurses and coordinators, community members, and patients.
Translational Workforce Development Projects
Tufts CTSI is an educational leader within the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Consortium. As part of the leadership team from the Enhancing Clinical Research Professionals’ Training and Qualifications (ECRPTQ) Project, we helped define Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training recommendations and CTSA-wide competency-based standards, particularly for clinical research coordinators. We then helped co-launch the DIAMOND portal, a national digital collection of competency-based training and assessment offerings for clinical research professionals. Learn more about DIAMOND.
To contact us, please email training@tuftsctsi.org.