
Tufts CTSI supports a wide range of research initiatives though a diverse portfolio of funding opportunities. Our open funding opportunities are listed below. We encourage you to bookmark this page and visit again soon for future opportunities.

Small Grants to Advance Translational Science (S-GATS) Program

The S-GATS Program invites proposals for innovative and collaborative projects aimed at advancing the science of translation. The program encompasses the broad scope of translational science research, welcoming projects that address specific translational challenges as well as those that seek to leverage untapped opportunities within translational science. The application process requires an initial submission of a competitive Letter of Intent (LOI), due on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. To ensure that the proposed research projects are responsive to the 2025 request for applications, prospective applicants must consult with the S-GATS Program team prior to the LOI submission.

Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) Voucher Program

The CTRC Voucher Program offers direct research support to unfunded or underfunded non-industry clinical studies and trials. The program aims to accelerate and facilitate implementation of such studies and trials by providing access to CTRC’s specialized clinical services and state-of-the-art facilities available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at in- and out-patient facilities at Tufts Medical Center. Until further notice, the proposals for the CTRC Voucher Program will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Informatics Voucher Program

The Tufts CTSI Informatics Program seeks to support innovative and promising clinical and translational research projects that would benefit from informatics services through a new Informatics Voucher Program. Qualified projects include preliminary investigations or other small studies with clear objectives. Proposed projects must have an underlying research hypothesis and a defined plan and timeline for seeking future extramural funding for a follow-on study, publication of results in a peer-reviewed journal, and/or dissemination and implementation of findings through other relevant mechanisms.