Why peer mentoring?

Mentoring is a core component of Tufts CTSI’s workforce development education and training strategy. Research shows that lack of career development opportunities is a key reason why clinical research coordinators leave their jobs. In addition, it can be difficult to establish professional networks in a decentralized organization, particularly in fields where there is high turnover. Peer mentoring is one tool that can help address some of these issues.

Program Goals

The purpose of this program is to support the professional development of clinical research staff at Tufts Medicine by facilitating networking, career development, and job task support. By encouraging greater communication and collaboration across departments and divisions, we hope to both help staff do their jobs more effectively, but also create a sense of community across the system among clinical research staff.


How does the program work?

Program Outline

We will be running this program as a pilot in 2025. The program will run in 3-month iterations, with participants being matched with a different person each quarter. At the end of each quarter, participants will be sent a short survey and asked if they wish to continue in the program and be matched in the next quarter.

At the six-month mark, we will send a slightly longer evaluation survey to all participants to gather formative data as part of our continuous improvement plans. Finally, all participants will be asked to complete a longer final evaluation at the end of the year.

Q1 2025

Participants will be matched in a mentor/mentee pairing. Mentors will be people with a higher level of career/research experience than the mentee. Participants will meet at least 3 times during this period. At the end of Q1, the mentor and mentees can decide if they wish to continue the relationship on their own.

Q2 2025

Participants will be matched with a peer at a similar career level from another part of Tufts MC. Participants will organize 3 meetings over the course of the three months. Participants can choose whether or not to continue the relationship on their own.

Q3 2025

Participants will be matched in a new mentor/mentee pairing as in Q1.

Q4 2025

Participants will be matched with a new same-level peer as in Q2. A final evaluation will be distributed to all program participants at the end of Q4.

Time commitment

We ask that all participants commit to meeting with their matches at least 3 times per quarter for approximately 1 hour per meeting. Participants will organize their conversations on their own and are free to divide the time differently based on their needs (i.e. six 30-minute meetings). Participants also commit to completing all of the evaluation surveys. The total minimum time commitment for January – December 2025 is 12 hours for conversations and approximately 1 hour for completing evaluations. Participants selected as mentors will be asked to complete mentor training adapted from the Tufts CTSI faculty mentor training in advance of the program start (approximately 1 hour).


How do I participate?

Eligibility Criteria

All Tufts Medicine clinical research staff (including but not limited to clinical research coordinators, clinical research associates, clinical research managers/directors/supervisors) who intend to stay at Tufts Medicine for the duration of the program (January – December 2025) are eligible to apply. Staff who plan to leave to begin further education or training in 2026 or beyond may still participate in the program.


Application Process

Applications for mentors and mentees will open on September 30 and close on October 21, 2024. Applicants will be asked about their research and non-research work experience, goals, areas of expertise (for mentors), and career interests and plans, including plans for staying at Tufts Medicine. All applicants will be asked to confirm their understanding and acceptance of the expectations of the program and to provide the name and contact details of their supervisor.

The goal of the application is to provide enough information to make good matches. The CRS Training Planning Committee hopes to match all eligible applicants however we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate everyone who applies.

The committee will confirm matched participants have supervisor support before

announcing matches. We anticipate communicating final matches in December 2024.

Applications for this program have now closed.


Who is organizing this process?

Clinical Research Staff Training Planning Committee

Kris Markman, Tufts CTSI

Christine Choy, Tufts HS IRB

Olivia Lovegreen, Tufts MC Clinical Trials Office

Bipin Malla, Tufts MC Pulmonary

Kathryn Turner, Tufts MC Psychiatry

Ellen Vickery, Tufts MC Endocrinology

Questions? Contact Project Manager Shane Cox