Tufts CTSI’s Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Graduate Program offers a Summer Institute to introduce a survey of clinical care research topics. The Summer Institute is a unique opportunity for physicians, clinicians, veterinarians, and others with advanced biomedical degrees to discover whether clinical and translational research is a field that they would like to pursue, prior to fully committing to a degree program. Students in the Summer Institute earn two credits through the Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, which may be applied at a later date toward our Certificate, Master’s, or PhD Programs in CTS.
Who is eligible?
Applicants for the Summer Institute should hold an advanced biomedical degree (professional, doctoral, or master’s degree) in a health-related field.
Course & Faculty
Course Directors
David M. Kent, MD, CM, MSc, Program Director; Robert Goldberg, PhD; Angie Rodday, PhD, MS
Additional Lecturers
Thomas Concannon, PhD; Denise Daudelin, RN, MPH; Raveendhara Bannuru, MD, PhD; James Chambers, PhD; Karen Freund, MD, MPH; David Snydman, MD; Pei-Jung Lin, PhD; John Wong, MD; Susan Parsons, MD; Andreas Klein, MD; Gordon Huggins, MD
This four-week course teaches students to formulate and develop a clinical research hypothesis into a clinical research project. The course includes an introduction to fundamentals of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics and surveys topics in the other Core Concentrations, including health services research, bench-to-bedside translational research, systematic review and decision analysis. Students are required to develop a research proposal and present this proposal in class to the other class participants and faculty preceptors for scientific review. The course is highly interactive, including case studies and didactic, practical lectures. Class size is limited to maximize the learning experience, and the course is conducted for three hours daily, from 9:00AM-noon over the four weeks (typically in July).
The Summer Institute is $6,666. Individuals from Tufts CTSI partner organizations should contact Senior Program Manager Elizabeth Leary, PhD to see if you are eligible for a discount.
To Apply
Application is via Tufts University College. Information on future sessions will be posted here.
For more information or assistance with your application, please contact Elizabeth Leary, PhD, Senior Program Manager.