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Translational Science Day 2023: Advancing Health Equity Through Translational Science


Tufts CTSI is excited to announce that its 2023 Translational Science Day symposium is scheduled for Monday, October 16 in person on the Tufts University School of Medicine campus.

The theme of this year’s symposium is “Advancing Health Equity through Translational Science,” and the event will include lightning talks, an interactive research studio, and two keynote speakers: Michael G. Kurilla, MD, PhD, Director, Division of Clinical Innovation, National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS), and Robert M. Califf, MD, MACC, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, FDA.


Event Details

Monday, October 16

8:00AM – 4:00PM EST

Tufts University Center for Medical Education

145 Harrison Ave.

Boston, Mass. 02111

Click here for directions


Symposium Flyer

To download the event flyer to share with your networks or print for community bulletin boards, click here.



Registration is now open! Click here to register. 

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Morning Keynotes

The first morning keynote address (35minute talk, + 10 min Q&A) will be given by Michael G. Kurilla, MD, PhD, Director Division of Clinical Innovation, NCATS

Topic: “The Science of Translational Science”


The second morning keynote address (35minute talk, + 10 min Q&A) will be given by Robert M. Califf, MD, MACC, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, FDA

Topic: “Health Equity in Research”


Full Agenda (PDF)

8:00AM – 8:25AM

Registration check-in


8:30AM – 8:45AM


Harry P. Selker, MD, MSPH

Dean, Tufts CTSI


8:45AM – 10:15AM

Keynote 1 (35-minute talk, + 10 min Q&A)

Michael G. Kurilla, MD, PhD

Director Division of Clinical Innovation, NCATS

Topic: “The Science of Translational Science”


Keynote 2 (35-minute talk + 10 min Q&A)

Robert M. Califf, MD, MACC

Commissioner of Food and Drugs, FDA

Topic: “Health Equity in Research”


10:15AM – 10:30AM



10:30AM – 11:30AM

Translational Science Lightning Talks (three talks @ 10-min each + five-min Q&A each)

Goal: Showcase exemplar research projects that advance health equity through translational science approaches

John W. Jackson, ScD, Johns Hopkins University  | “Evaluating Effects of Interventions on Health Disparities”

Amanda Petrik, PhD, Kaiser Permanente | “Diversifying Recruitment into Clinical Trials and Research”

Marzyeh Ghassemi, MSc, PhDMIT | “The Pulse Of Ethical Machine Learning in Health”


11:30AM – 12:30PM

Panel Discussion: “Embedding Translational Science and Health Equity into Research Programs” (60 minutes)

Lightning Talk presenters and keynotes

Moderator: Ayanna Thomas, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, Dean of Research for Arts and Sciences, Tufts University


Michael G. Kurilla, MD, PhD, Director Division of Clinical Innovation, NCATS

John W. Jackson, ScD, Johns Hopkins University  

Amanda Petrik, PhD, Kaiser Permanente

Marzyeh Ghassemi, MSc, PhDMIT  


12:35PM – 1:00PM

Poster Plenary

Moderator: Aviva Must, PhD, Director, Small Grants to Advance Translational Science (S-GATS) Program, Tufts CTSI

The moderator will provide a brief overview of the posters being presented.


1:00PM – 1:45PM

Lunch, networking, poster viewing


2:00PM – 3:30PM

Interactive Research Studio: “Uncertainty as a driver of financial distress in cancer patients”

Presenter: Eric Anderson, PhD, Faculty Scientist I, MaineHealth Institute for Research

This session will consider a planned study of the financial hardships associated with cancer and its treatment, particularly when involving advanced therapies. Dr. Anderson is interested in understanding how the cost uncertainties, unknown out-of-pocket expenses, and difficulty and stress in interpreting complex medical bills can impact patients’ decision making and health behaviors and drive their experience of financial distress.


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