Are you preparing a manuscript or other research product and not sure if you need to cite our Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA)? Here’s how to know when you need to cite Tufts CTSI:
Did you receive free or subsidized Tufts CTSI services?
NIH requires investigators to cite Tufts CTSI when publications or other research products directly benefit from free or subsidized Tufts CTSI resources, services, or funding mechanisms. These include:
- Pilot Studies Program funding
- Career development (K) and fellowship (T) funding from Tufts CTSI
Investigators with K or T funding should cite Tufts CTSI when the work was done while funded by Tufts CTSI, or when downstream products directly benefited from K or T research activities. - Services and resources provided free of charge for any project, such as:
- Biostatistics, qualitative method, or study design services received free of charge from the BERD Center
- Informatics resources such as REDCap, TRDW, ACT, TriNetX and other.
- Consulting services in stakeholder and community engagement, comparative effectiveness research, One Health, research process improvement, clinical quality improvement, regulatory support, or other content area expertise
- Research collaboration support
- Seminars and workshops (in-person or online via webcast/I LEARN)
- Proposal development services
- Junior Faculty Research Career Development Forum leadership
- Navigator support
- Services that are subsidized/discounted for all NIH-funded projects, such as Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) or Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) services
- Salary support (partial or full) that provides direct benefit to a publication or research product
- Grants administration, including extramural grant proposal preparation and post-award management
NOTE: Downstream publications and research products resulting from non-CTSI funded grants but for which the awarded proposal directly benefited from a free or subsidized resource or service should cite Tufts CTSI.
Did you receive infrastructure support?
When publications and research products benefit from Tufts CTSI infrastructure, senior authors and other investigators determine whether citation of Tufts CTSI is appropriate. Examples of ways Tufts CTSI infrastructure supports publications and research products include:
- Fee-for-service arrangements managed by Tufts CTSI faculty or that use the billing and finance department (e.g., fee-based BERD Center services, Core Laboratory services, industry-funded studies conducted through the CTRC, industry-funded projects using DSMB services)
- Coordination and support from Tufts CTSI faculty or staff (e.g., coordinating meetings, facilitating novel ideas or plans)
- Technical or other assistance used for only a portion of the research that plays an important role.