Previous Events

December 6, 2023


Harnessing ChatGPT for Academic Innovation: From Teaching, to Research, to Funding and Beyond! [in-person]

Speaker: James Intriligator, PhD

35 Kneeland St, 8th Floor Conference Room

Media Training: This media training was led by Jeremy Lechan, Media Relations Manager at Tufts Medicine and Shira Doron, MD, Chief Infection Control Officer at Tufts Medicine and Professor in the Clinical and Translational Science Graduate Program, both of whom have extensive media experience. They presented strategies for better engaging with the media. Additionally, two junior faculty members volunteered to be interviewed by Jeremy and Dr. Doron to provide real-life examples.


October 15, 2024


NIH Review Groups & Networking [in-person]

Speaker: Iris Jaffe, MD, PhD

35 Kneeland St, 8th Floor Conference Room

Dr. Jaffe will be speaking about NIH review groups. Networking before and after the event.


Upcoming Events

January 21, 2025

11:45AM–1:15 PM

Delegation and Hiring your Research Team [in-person]

Speaker: Karen Freund, MD, MPH (12:00 PM–1:00 PM)

35 Kneeland St, 8th Floor Conference Room

Dr. Freund will speak about hiring of, and delegation to research assistants. Networking before and after the event.


March 4, 2025

11:30 AM – 2:00 pm

Tufts University [in-person]

Speaker: William Shaw, JD

35 Kneeland St, 8th Floor Conference Room

Details coming soon!