Tufts CTSI fosters innovative research across the translational spectrum. Publications that cite us include:

  1. Downing S, Zhang F, Chen Z, Tzanakakis ES MicroRNA-7 directly targets Reg1 in pancreatic cells. American journal of physiology. Cell physiology 2019 Aug 1;317(2):C366-C374

  2. Stopka TJ, Jacque E, Kelso P, Guhn-Knight H, Nolte K, Hoskinson R Jr, Jones A, Harding J, Drew A, VanDonsel A, Friedmann PD The opioid epidemic in rural northern New England: An approach to epidemiologic, policy, and legal surveillance. Preventive medicine 2019 Nov;128:105740

  3. Harkey MS, Davis JE, Lu B, Price LL, Ward RJ, MacKay JW, Eaton CB, Lo GH, Barbe MF, Zhang M, Pang J, Stout AC, McAlindon TE, Driban JB Early pre-radiographic structural pathology precedes the onset of accelerated knee osteoarthritis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2019 May 22;20(1):241

  4. Davis JM, Pilon AL, Shenberger J, Breeze JL, Terrin N, Mazela J, Gulczynska E, Lauterbach R, Parad R The role of recombinant human CC10 in the prevention of chronic pulmonary insufficiency of prematurity. Pediatric research 2019 Aug;86(2):254-260

  5. Xu AA, Breeze JL, Jackson CA, Paulus JK, Bugaev N Comparative analysis of traumatic esophageal injury in pediatric and adult populations. Pediatric surgery international 2019 Jul;35(7):793-801

  6. Gardiner BJ, Haas EM, Bailey RC, Chow JK, Snydman DR Reactivation of latent cytomegalovirus infection in patients with rheumatologic disease: a case-control study. Rheumatology international 2019 Jul;39(7):1229-1240

  7. Steubl D, Fan L, Michels WM, Inker LA, Tighiouart H, Dekker FW, Krediet RT, Simon AL, Foster MC, Karger AB, Eckfeldt JH, Li H, Tang J, He Y, Xie M, Xiong F, Li H, Zhang H, Hu J, Liao Y, Ye X, Shafi T, Chen W, Yu X, Levey AS Development and Validation of Residual Kidney Function Estimating Equations in Dialysis Patients. Kidney medicine 2019 May-Jun;1(3):104-114

  8. Drew DA, Tighiouart H, Duncan S, Rollins J, Gupta A, Scott T, Weiner DE, Sarnak MJ Blood Pressure and Cognitive Decline in Prevalent Hemodialysis Patients. American journal of nephrology 2019;49(6):460-469

  9. Nielsen L, Holm J, Rozanski E, Meola D, Price LL, de Laforcade A Multicenter investigation of hemostatic dysfunction in 15 dogs with acute pancreatitis. Journal of veterinary emergency and critical care (San Antonio, Tex. : 2001) 2019 May;29(3):264-268

  10. Feghali MN, Umans JG, Catalano PM Drugs to Control Diabetes During Pregnancy. Clinics in perinatology 2019 Jun;46(2):257-272

  11. Benudis A, Stone S, Sait AS, Mahoney I, Price LL, Moreno-Koehler A, Anketell E, Doron S Pitfalls and Unexpected Benefits of an Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring System. American journal of infection control 2019 Sep;47(9):1102-1106

  12. Miller CAS, Maron MS, Estes NAM III,, Price LL, Rowin EJ, Maron BJ, Link MS Safety, Side Effects and Relative Efficacy of Medications for Rhythm Control of Atrial Fibrillation in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. The American journal of cardiology 2019 Jun 1;123(11):1859-1862

  13. Gardiner BJ, Herrick KW, Bailey RC, Chow JK, Snydman DR Reactivation of Latent Cytomegalovirus Infection after Major Surgery: Risk Factors and Outcomes. Surgical infections 2019 Jul;20(5):416-423

  14. Schnelldorfer T, Ware MP, Liu LP, Sarr MG, Birkett DH, Ruthazer R Can We Accurately Identify Peritoneal Metastases Based on Their Appearance? An Assessment of the Current Practice of Intraoperative Gastrointestinal Cancer Staging. Annals of surgical oncology 2019 Jun;26(6):1795-1804

  15. Davidson J, Ruthazer R, Maron JL Optimal Timing to Utilize Olfactory Stimulation with Maternal Breast Milk to Improve Oral Feeding Skills in the Premature Newborn. Breastfeeding medicine : the official journal of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine 2019 May;14(4):230-235

  16. May TL, Lary CW, Riker RR, Friberg H, Patel N, Søreide E, McPherson JA, Undén J, Hand R, Sunde K, Stammet P, Rubertsson S, Belohlvaek J, Dupont A, Hirsch KG, Valsson F, Kern K, Sadaka F, Israelsson J, Dankiewicz J, Nielsen N, Seder DB, Agarwal S Variability in functional outcome and treatment practices by treatment center after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: analysis of International Cardiac Arrest Registry. Intensive care medicine 2019 May;45(5):637-646

  17. Politis DS, Papamichael K, Katsanos KH, Koulouridis I, Mavromati D, Tsianos EV, Christodoulou DK Presence of pseudopolyps in ulcerative colitis is associated with a higher risk for treatment escalation. Annals of gastroenterology 2019 Mar-Apr;32(2):168-173

  18. Freund KM, LeClair A, Terrin N, Hanchate AD, Price LL, Moreno-Koehler A, Suzukida J, Kher S, Byhoff E, Kressin NR Racial Differences in Insurance Stability After Health Insurance Reform. Medical care 2019 Apr;57(4):256-261

  19. Jonczyk MM, Jean J, Graham R, Chatterjee A Trending Towards Safer Breast Cancer Surgeries? Examining Acute Complication Rates from A 13-Year NSQIP Analysis. Cancers 2019 Feb 21;11(2)

  20. Leary JC, Price LL, Scott CER, Kent D, Wong JB, Freund KM Developing Prediction Models for 30-Day Unplanned Readmission Among Children With Medical Complexity. Hospital pediatrics 2019 Mar;9(3):201-208

  21. Mujahid N, Song H, Li DG, Joyce C, Mostaghimi A Trends in Gender of Speakers at the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, 2010-2018. JAMA dermatology 2019 Mar 1;155(3):383-384

  22. Weiner DE, Drew DA, Gordon CE, Tighiouart H, Frank EA Kidney Medicine: What's in a Name? Kidney medicine 2019 Jan-Feb;1(1):1-2

  23. Gardiner BJ, Chow JK, Snydman DR Potential mortality benefit from secondary prophylaxis following CMV treatment completion may be due to confounding by transplant organ type. Transplant infectious disease : an official journal of the Transplantation Society 2019 Apr;21(2):e13051

  24. Stevenson DK, Wong RJ, Shaw GM, Li J, Wise PH, Davis JM The contributions of genetics to premature birth. Pediatric research 2019 Mar;85(4):416-417

  25. Pleman B, Park M, Han X, Price LL, Bannuru RR, Harvey WF, Driban JB, Wang C Mindfulness is associated with psychological health and moderates the impact of fibromyalgia. Clinical rheumatology 2019 Jun;38(6):1737-1745

  26. Soares WE 3rd, Price LL, Prast B, Tarbox E, Mader TJ, Blanchard R Accuracy Screening for ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction in a Task-switching Simulation. The western journal of emergency medicine 2019 Jan;20(1):177-184

  27. Heerspink HJL, Greene T, Tighiouart H, Gansevoort RT, Coresh J, Simon AL, Chan TM, Hou FF, Lewis JB, Locatelli F, Praga M, Schena FP, Levey AS, Inker LA, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Change in albuminuria as a surrogate endpoint for progression of kidney disease: a meta-analysis of treatment effects in randomised clinical trials. The lancet. Diabetes & endocrinology 2019 Feb;7(2):128-139

  28. Flechsenhar K, Ried JS, Driban JB, Price LL, McAlindon T Sample size calculations for detecting disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug effects on the incidence of end-stage knee osteoarthritis in clinical trials: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism 2019 Aug;49(1):3-8

  29. Selker HP, Eichler HG, Stockbridge NL, McElwee NE, Dere WH, Cohen T, Erban JK, Seyfert-Margolis VL, Honig PK, Kaitin KI, Oye KA, D'Agostino RB Sr Efficacy and Effectiveness Too Trials: Clinical Trial Designs to Generate Evidence on Efficacy and on Effectiveness in Wide Practice. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics 2019 Apr;105(4):857-866

  30. Craig AK, James C, Bainter J, Evans S, Gerwin R Parental perceptions of neonatal therapeutic hypothermia; emotional and healing experiences. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 2020 Sep;33(17):2889-2896

  31. Soul JS, Pressler R, Allen M, Boylan G, Rabe H, Portman R, Hardy P, Zohar S, Romero K, Tseng B, Bhatt-Mehta V, Hahn C, Denne S, Auvin S, Vinks A, Lantos J, Marlow N, Davis JM, International Neonatal Consortium Recommendations for the design of therapeutic trials for neonatal seizures. Pediatric research 2019 Jun;85(7):943-954

  32. Kher S, Landau H, Hon SM, Breeze JL, Al-Naamani N, Paulus JK, Martin A, Tsacoyianis R Inhaler use and education characteristics among English and non-English speaking patients: A pilot needs assessment survey. Patient education and counseling 2019 May;102(5):932-936

  33. Concannon TW, Grant S, Welch V, Petkovic J, Selby J, Crowe S, Synnot A, Greer-Smith R, Mayo-Wilson E, Tambor E, Tugwell P, Multi Stakeholder Engagement (MuSE) Consortium Practical Guidance for Involving Stakeholders in Health Research. Journal of general internal medicine 2019 Mar;34(3):458-463

  34. Beaulieu D, Tsao H, Michaud DS, Okhovat JP, Halpern AC, Geller AC Factors associated with suspected nonmelanoma skin cancers, dysplastic nevus, and cutaneous melanoma among first-time SpotMe screening program participants during 2009-2010. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2023 Jan;88(1):60-70

  35. Basein T, Gardiner BJ, Andujar Vazquez GM, Joel Chandranesan AS, Rabson AR, Doron S, Snydman DR Microbial Identification Using DNA Target Amplification and Sequencing: Clinical Utility and Impact on Patient Management. Open forum infectious diseases 2018 Nov;5(11):ofy257

  36. Harkey MS, Davis JE, Lu B, Price LL, Eaton CB, Lo GH, Barbe MF, Ward RJ, Zhang M, Liu SH, Lapane KL, MacKay JW, McAlindon TE, Driban JB Diffuse tibiofemoral cartilage change prior to the development of accelerated knee osteoarthritis: Data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.) 2019 Apr;32(3):369-378

  37. Min S, Martin LT, Rutter CM, Concannon TW Are Publicly Funded Health Databases Geographically Detailed and Timely Enough to Support Patient-Centered Outcomes Research? Journal of general internal medicine 2019 Mar;34(3):467-472

  38. Kerrigan A, Kaonga NN, Tang AM, Jordan MR, Hong SY Content guidance for mobile phones short message service (SMS)-based antiretroviral therapy adherence and appointment reminders: a review of the literature. AIDS care 2019 May;31(5):636-646

  39. Dad T, Tighiouart H, Lacson E Jr, Meyer KB, Weiner DE, Richardson MM Hemodialysis patient characteristics associated with better experience as measured by the In-center Hemodialysis Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (ICH CAHPS) survey. BMC nephrology 2018 Nov 28;19(1):340

  40. McDonagh A, Leibler JH, Mukherjee J, Thachil A, Goodman LB, Riekofski C, Nee A, Smyth K, Forrester J, Rosenbaum MH Frequent human-poultry interactions and low prevalence of Salmonella in backyard chicken flocks in Massachusetts. Zoonoses and public health 2019 Feb;66(1):92-100

  41. Shpiner AC, Bugaev N, Riesenburger R, Ng I, Breeze JL, Arabian SS, Rabinovici R The profile of blunt traumatic supratentorial cranial bleed types. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia 2019 Jan;59:79-83

  42. Lo GH, Song J, McAlindon TE, Hawker GA, Driban JB, Price LL, Eaton CB, Hochberg MC, Jackson RD, Kwoh CK, Nevitt MC, Dunlop DD Validation of a new symptom outcome for knee osteoarthritis: the Ambulation Adjusted Score for Knee pain. Clinical rheumatology 2019 Mar;38(3):851-858

  43. Davis JE, Ward RJ, MacKay JW, Lu B, Price LL, McAlindon TE, Eaton CB, Barbe MF, Lo GH, Harkey MS, Driban JB Effusion-synovitis and infrapatellar fat pad signal intensity alteration differentiate accelerated knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 2019 Mar 1;58(3):418-426

  44. Jacobson EF, Tzanakakis ES Who Will Win: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Versus Embryonic Stem Cells for β Cell Replacement and Diabetes Disease Modeling? Current diabetes reports 2018 Oct 20;18(12):133

  45. Ng I, Bugaev N, Riesenburger R, Shpiner AC, Breeze JL, Arabian SS, Rabinovici R The profile of blunt traumatic infratentorial cranial bleed types. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia 2019 Feb;60:58-62

  46. Dad T, Tighiouart H, Fenton JJ, Lacson E Jr, Meyer KB, Miskulin DC, Weiner DE, Richardson MM Evaluation of non-response to the In-Center Hemodialysis Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (ICH CAHPS) survey. BMC health services research 2018 Oct 19;18(1):790

  47. Spoletini G, Mega C, Pisani L, Alotaibi M, Khoja A, Price LL, Blasi F, Nava S, Hill NS High-flow nasal therapy vs standard oxygen during breaks off noninvasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Journal of critical care 2018 Dec;48:418-425

  48. Costeloe K, Turner MA, Padula MA, Shah PS, Modi N, Soll R, Haumont D, Kusuda S, Göpel W, Chang YS, Smith PB, Lui K, Davis JM, Hudson LD, International Neonatal Consortium Sharing Data to Accelerate Medicine Development and Improve Neonatal Care: Data Standards and Harmonized Definitions. The Journal of pediatrics 2018 Dec;203:437-441.e1

  49. Seto A, Han X, Price LL, Harvey WF, Bannuru RR, Wang C The role of personality in patients with fibromyalgia. Clinical rheumatology 2019 Jan;38(1):149-157

  50. Friedman H, Parkinson G, Tighiouart H, Parkinson C, Tybor D, Terrin N, Lester B, Harvey-Wilkes K, Davis JM Pharmacologic treatment of infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome in community hospitals compared to academic medical centers. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2018 Dec;38(12):1651-1656

  51. Wolfe ES, Arabian SS, Breeze JL, Bugaev N Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Translated "A Matter of Balance" Fall Prevention Program Materials for Non-English-Speaking Participants. Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses 2018 Sep Oct;25(5):311-317

  52. González SB, Menga G, Raimondi GA, Tighiouart H, Adrogué HJ, Madias NE Secondary Response to Chronic Respiratory Acidosis in Humans: A Prospective Study. Kidney international reports 2018 Sep;3(5):1163-1170

  53. Sisa I, Herrera-Fontana M, Bovera M, Palomeque M, Teran E Urinary sodium excretion in a young to middle-aged adult urban population: a pilot study in Ecuador. Revista de salud publica (Bogota, Colombia) 2018 Sep-Oct;20(5):568-573

  54. Englund DA, Price LL, Grosicki GJ, Iwai M, Kashiwa M, Liu C, Reid KF, Fielding RA Progressive Resistance Training Improves Torque Capacity and Strength in Mobility-Limited Older Adults. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2019 Jul 12;74(8):1316-1321

  55. Lemos Cerqueira T, Fartolino Guerrero A, Pérez Fermin CK, Wang R, Balbino EE, Breeze JL, Gonzalez Mego P, Argentina Silva D, Omer WE, Vandevelde NM The Use of Aspirin to Reduce the Risk of Thrombotic Events in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols 2018 Aug 9;7(8):e10516

  56. Okhovat JP, Beaulieu D, Tsao H, Halpern AC, Michaud DS, Shaykevich S, Geller AC The first 30 years of the American Academy of Dermatology skin cancer screening program: 1985-2014. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2018 Nov;79(5):884-891.e3

  57. Abraham AG, Shafi T, Tighiouart H, Moseley KF, Post WS, Inker LA, Coresh J, Shlipak MG, Levey AS Effects of Body Size and Composition on Sex Differences in Measured GFR in a US Community-Based Older Cohort (MESA-Kidney). American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation 2018 Nov;72(5):767-770

  58. Brown A, Hopkins L ASN Science Policy Fellows Advocate for Medical Research. Current developments in nutrition 2018 Jul;2(7):nzy026

  59. Reid KF, Laussen J, Bhatia K, Englund DA, Kirn DR, Price LL, Manini TM, Liu CK, Kowaleski C, Fielding RA Translating the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Clinical Trial to Older Adults in a Real-World Community-Based Setting. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences 2019 May 16;74(6):924-928

  60. Melnitchouk N, Soeteman DI, Davids JS, Fields A, Cohen J, Noubary F, Lukashenko A, Kolesnik OO, Freund KM Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening in Ukraine. Cost effectiveness and resource allocation : C/E 2018;16:20

  61. Witte E, Winkler SJ, Myerson J, Kirby A, Biggers J, Do JM, Roth MT, Gateman AK, Cagliero E, Bierer BE Development of a plain-language library of educational resources for research participants. Journal of clinical and translational science 2018 Feb;2(1):27-30

  62. Murray PD, Bierer BE, Hirschfeld S, Klein AK, Davis JM Assessment of a shortened informed consent form for pediatric research: a pilot study. Pediatric research 2018 Oct;84(4):516-519

  63. Pack QR, Bauldoff G, Lichtman SW, Buckley M, Eichenauer K, Gavic A, Garvey C, King ML, American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Quality of Care Committee Prioritization, Development, and Validation of American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Performance Measures. Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and prevention 2018 Jul;38(4):208-214

  64. Davis JM, Shenberger J, Terrin N, Breeze JL, Hudak M, Wachman EM, Marro P, Oliveira EL, Harvey-Wilkes K, Czynski A, Engelhardt B, D'Apolito K, Bogen D, Lester B Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Methadone vs Morphine for Treatment of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA pediatrics 2018 Aug 1;172(8):741-748

  65. Gudejko MD, Gebhardt BR, Zahedi F, Jain A, Breeze JL, Lawrence MR, Shernan SK, Kapur NK, Kiernan MS, Couper G, Cobey FC Intraoperative Hemodynamic and Echocardiographic Measurements Associated With Severe Right Ventricular Failure After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. Anesthesia and analgesia 2019 Jan;128(1):25-32

  66. Kong J, Wolcott E, Wang Z, Jorgenson K, Harvey WF, Tao J, Rones R, Wang C Altered resting state functional connectivity of the cognitive control network in fibromyalgia and the modulation effect of mind-body intervention. Brain imaging and behavior 2019 Apr;13(2):482-492

  67. Raghunathan K, Singh M, Nathanson BH, Bennett-Guerrero E, Lindenauer PK Early Blood Transfusions in Sepsis: Unchanged Survival and Increased Costs. American journal of critical care : an official publication, American Association of Critical-Care Nurses 2018 May;27(3):205-211

  68. Levitan B, Getz K, Eisenstein EL, Goldberg M, Harker M, Hesterlee S, Patrick-Lake B, Roberts JN, DiMasi J Assessing the Financial Value of Patient Engagement: A Quantitative Approach from CTTI's Patient Groups and Clinical Trials Project. Therapeutic innovation & regulatory science 2018 Mar;52(2):220-229

  69. Leyenaar JK, Shevenell M, Rizzo PA, Hill VL, Lindenauer PK Multi-Stakeholder Informed Guidelines for Direct Admission of Children to Hospital. The Journal of pediatrics 2018 Jul;198:273-278.e7

  70. Gardiner BJ, Nierenberg NE, Chow JK, Ruthazer R, Kent DM, Snydman DR Absolute Lymphocyte Count: A Predictor of Recurrent Cytomegalovirus Disease in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018 Oct 15;67(9):1395-1402

  71. Stopka TJ, Brinkley-Rubinstein L, Johnson K, Chan PA, Hutcheson M, Crosby R, Burke D, Mena L, Nunn A HIV Clustering in Mississippi: Spatial Epidemiological Study to Inform Implementation Science in the Deep South. JMIR public health and surveillance 2018 Apr 3;4(2):e35

  72. Wang C, Schmid CH, Fielding RA, Harvey WF, Reid KF, Price LL, Driban JB, Kalish R, Rones R, McAlindon T Effect of tai chi versus aerobic exercise for fibromyalgia: comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trial. BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2018 Mar 21;360:k851

  73. Shehab A, AlHabib KF, Bhagavathula AS, Hersi A, Alfaleh H, Alshamiri MQ, Ullah A, Sulaiman K, Almahmeed W, Al Suwaidi J, Alsheikh-Ali AA, Amin H, Al Jarallah M, Salam AM Clinical Presentation, Quality of Care, Risk Factors and Outcomes in Women with Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI): An Observational Report from Six Middle Eastern Countries. Current vascular pharmacology 2019;17(4):388-395

  74. Brinkley DM, DeNofrio D, Ruthazer R, Vest AR, Kapur NK, Couper GS, Kiernan MS Outcomes After Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation as Destination Therapy at Transplant Versus Nontransplant Centers. Circulation. Heart failure 2018 Mar;11(3):e004384

  75. Mirhashemi ME, Noubary F, Chapman-Bonofiglio S, Tzipori S, Huggins GS, Widmer G Transcriptome analysis of pig intestinal cell monolayers infected with Cryptosporidium parvum asexual stages. Parasites & vectors 2018 Mar 12;11(1):176

  76. Leyenaar JK, Rizzo PA, O'Brien ER, Lindenauer PK Paediatric hospital admission processes and outcomes: a qualitative study of parents' experiences and priorities. BMJ quality & safety 2018 Oct;27(10):790-798

  77. Lo GH, Schneider E, Driban JB, Price LL, Hunter DJ, Eaton CB, Hochberg MC, Jackson RD, Kwoh CK, Nevitt MC, Lynch JA, McAlindon TE, OAI Investigators Group Periarticular bone predicts knee osteoarthritis progression: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism 2018 Oct;48(2):155-161

  78. Davis JE, Liu SH, Lapane K, Harkey MS, Price LL, Lu B, Lo GH, Eaton CB, Barbe MF, McAlindon TE, Driban JB Adults with incident accelerated knee osteoarthritis are more likely to receive a knee replacement: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Clinical rheumatology 2018 Apr;37(4):1115-1118

  79. Lee AC, Harvey WF, Price LL, Han X, Driban JB, Iversen MD, Desai SA, Knopp HE, Wang C Dose-Response Effects of Tai Chi and Physical Therapy Exercise Interventions in Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis. PM & R : the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation 2018 Jul;10(7):712-723

  80. Lee AC, Harvey WF, Han X, Price LL, Driban JB, Bannuru RR, Wang C Pain and functional trajectories in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis over up to 12 weeks of exercise exposure. Osteoarthritis and cartilage 2018 Apr;26(4):501-512

  81. Selker HP, Pardes H Changing the incentives for development of low-cost high-impact treatments. Journal of clinical and translational science 2017 Oct;1(5):267-268

  82. Davis JE, Harkey MS, Ward RJ, Mackay JW, Lu B, Price LL, Eaton CB, Barbe MF, Lo GH, McAlindon TE, Driban JB Characterizing the distinct structural changes associated with self-reported knee injury among individuals with incident knee osteoarthritis: Data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.) 2018 Apr;31(3):330-334

  83. Maron JL, Jones GB How Sensors, Devices, and Biomarkers Can Transform Precision Medicine: Perspectives From a Clinical and Translational Science Institute. Clinical therapeutics 2018 Feb;40(2):345-348

  84. Stout AC, Barbe MF, Eaton CB, Amin M, Al-Eid F, Price LL, Lu B, Lo GH, Zhang M, Pang J, McAlindon TE, Driban JB Inflammation and glucose homeostasis are associated with specific structural features among adults without knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study from the osteoarthritis initiative. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2018 Jan 5;19(1):1

  85. Yuan G, Jankins TC, Patrick CG Jr, Philbrook P, Sears O, Hatfield S, Sitkovsky M, Vasdev N, Liang SH, Ondrechen MJ, Pollastri MP, Jones GB Fluorinated Adenosine A(2A) Receptor Antagonists Inspired by Preladenant as Potential Cancer Immunotherapeutics. International journal of medicinal chemistry 2017;2017:4852537

  86. Feeney T, Price LL, Chen L, Graham R, Chatterjee A Resident and fellow participation in Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery: an ACS-NSQIP clinical outcomes analysis. The Journal of surgical research 2017 Dec;220:346-352

  87. Steinhorn R, Davis JM, Göpel W, Jobe A, Abman S, Laughon M, Bancalari E, Aschner J, Ballard R, Greenough A, Storari L, Thomson M, Ariagno RL, Fabbri L, Turner MA, International Neonatal Consortium Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency of Prematurity: Developing Optimal Endpoints for Drug Development. The Journal of pediatrics 2017 Dec;191:15-21.e1

  88. Leyenaar JK, Shieh MS, Lagu T, Pekow PS, Lindenauer PK Hospital and Community Characteristics Associated With Pediatric Direct Admission to Hospital. Academic pediatrics 2018 Jul;18(5):525-534

  89. Lau LA, Noubary F, Wang D, Dulla CG α2δ-1 Signaling Drives Cell Death, Synaptogenesis, Circuit Reorganization, and Gabapentin-Mediated Neuroprotection in a Model of Insult-Induced Cortical Malformation. eNeuro 2017 Sep-Oct;4(5)

  90. Devlin LA, Davis JM A Practical Approach to Neonatal Opiate Withdrawal Syndrome. American journal of perinatology 2018 Mar;35(4):324-330

  91. Sisa I Cardiovascular risk assessment in elderly adults using SCORE OP model in a Latin American population: The experience from Ecuador. Medicina clinica 2018 Feb 9;150(3):92-98

  92. Kiernan MS, Grandin EW, Brinkley M Jr, Kapur NK, Pham DT, Ruthazer R, Rame JE, Atluri P, Birati EY, Oliveira GH, Pagani FD, Kirklin JK, Naftel D, Kormos RL, Teuteberg JJ, DeNofrio D Early Right Ventricular Assist Device Use in Patients Undergoing Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation: Incidence and Risk Factors From the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support. Circulation. Heart failure 2017 Oct;10(10)

  93. Gardiner BJ, Chow JK, Price LL, Nierenberg NE, Kent DM, Snydman DR Role of Secondary Prophylaxis With Valganciclovir in the Prevention of Recurrent Cytomegalovirus Disease in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2017 Nov 29;65(12):2000-2007

  94. Davis JM, Baer GR, Portman R, Nelson R, Storari L, Aranda JV, Bax R, Zajicek A, Klein A, Turner M, Baygani S, Thomson M, Allegaert K, International Neonatal Consortium Enrollment of Neonates in More Than One Clinical Trial. Clinical therapeutics 2017 Oct;39(10):1959-1969

  95. Lee AC, Harvey WF, Wong JB, Price LL, Han X, Chung M, Driban JB, Morgan LPK, Morgan NL, Wang C Effects of Tai Chi versus Physical Therapy on Mindfulness in Knee Osteoarthritis. Mindfulness 2017 Oct;8(5):1195-1205

  96. Cole FS, Wegner DJ, Davis JM The Genomics of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Frontiers in pediatrics 2017;5:176

  97. Tsipotis E, Price LL, Jaber BL, Madias NE Hospital-Associated Hypernatremia Spectrum and Clinical Outcomes in an Unselected Cohort. The American journal of medicine 2018 Jan;131(1):72-82.e1

  98. Jones GB, Collins DS, Harrison MW, Thyagarajapuram NR, Wright JM Subcutaneous drug delivery: An evolving enterprise. Science translational medicine 2017 Aug 30;9(405)

  99. Barta ML, Shearer JP, Arizmendi O, Tremblay JM, Mehzabeen N, Zheng Q, Battaile KP, Lovell S, Tzipori S, Picking WD, Shoemaker CB, Picking WL Single-domain antibodies pinpoint potential targets within Shigella invasion plasmid antigen D of the needle tip complex for inhibition of type III secretion. The Journal of biological chemistry 2017 Oct 6;292(40):16677-16687

  100. Zhang F, Tzanakakis ES Optogenetic regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells. Scientific reports 2017 Aug 24;7(1):9357

  101. Davis JE, Price LL, Lo GH, Eaton CB, McAlindon TE, Lu B, Barbe MF, Driban JB A single recent injury is a potent risk factor for the development of accelerated knee osteoarthritis: data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Rheumatology international 2017 Oct;37(10):1759-1764

  102. Levac D, Glegg S, Colquhoun H, Miller P, Noubary F Virtual Reality and Active Videogame-Based Practice, Learning Needs, and Preferences: A Cross-Canada Survey of Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists. Games for health journal 2017 Aug;6(4):217-228

  103. Perloff J, Rushforth A, Welch LC, Daudelin D, Suchman AL, Hoffer Gittell J, Santos H, Beswick J, Moore S, Selker HP Intervening to enhance collaboration in translational research: A relational coordination approach. Journal of clinical and translational science 2017 Aug;1(4):218-225

  104. Yao G, Lam KH, Weisemann J, Peng L, Krez N, Perry K, Shoemaker CB, Dong M, Rummel A, Jin R A camelid single-domain antibody neutralizes botulinum neurotoxin A by blocking host receptor binding. Scientific reports 2017 Aug 7;7(1):7438

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  119. Lo GH, McAlindon TE, Katz JN, Driban JB, Price LL, Eaton CB, Petersen NJ, Ballantyne CM, Suarez-Almazor ME Systolic and pulse pressure associate with incident knee osteoarthritis: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Clinical rheumatology 2017 Sep;36(9):2121-2128

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  122. McAlindon TE, LaValley MP, Harvey WF, Price LL, Driban JB, Zhang M, Ward RJ Effect of Intra-articular Triamcinolone vs Saline on Knee Cartilage Volume and Pain in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2017 May 16;317(19):1967-1975

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  124. Inker LA, Levey AS, Tighiouart H, Shafi T, Eckfeldt JH, Johnson C, Okparavero A, Post WS, Coresh J, Shlipak MG Performance of glomerular filtration rate estimating equations in a community-based sample of Blacks and Whites: the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association 2018 Mar 1;33(3):417-425

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  140. Driban JB, Eaton CB, Amin M, Stout AC, Price LL, Lu B, Lo GH, McAlindon TE, Barbe MF Glucose homeostasis influences the risk of incident knee osteoarthritis: Data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2017 Oct;35(10):2282-2287

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  145. Al-Naamani N, Chirinos JA, Zamani P, Ruthazer R, Paulus JK, Roberts KE, Barr RG, Lima JA, Bluemke DA, Kronmal R, Kawut SM Association of Systemic Arterial Properties With Right Ventricular Morphology: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)-Right Ventricle Study. Journal of the American Heart Association 2016 Nov 23;5(12)

  146. McGill RL, Ruthazer R, Lacson E Jr, Meyer KB, Miskulin DC, Weiner DE Vascular imaging for hemodialysis vascular access planning. Hemodialysis international. International Symposium on Home Hemodialysis 2017 Oct;21(4):490-497

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  161. Mukherjee JT, Beshansky JR, Ruthazer R, Alkofide H, Ray M, Kent D, Manning WJ, Huggins GS, Selker HP In-hospital measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction and one-year outcomes in acute coronary syndromes: results from the IMMEDIATE Trial. Cardiovascular ultrasound 2016 Aug 3;14(1):29

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  171. McGill RL, Ruthazer R, Meyer KB, Miskulin DC, Weiner DE Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters and Hemodialysis Outcomes. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 2016 Aug 8;11(8):1434-1440

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  198. Driban JB, Price LL, Eaton CB, Lu B, Lo GH, Lapane KL, McAlindon TE Individuals with incident accelerated knee osteoarthritis have greater pain than those with common knee osteoarthritis progression: data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Clinical rheumatology 2016 Jun;35(6):1565-71

  199. Zhang M, Driban JB, Price LL, Lo GH, McAlindon TE Magnetic Resonance Image Sequence Influences the Relationship between Bone Marrow Lesions Volume and Pain: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. BioMed research international 2015;2015:731903

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