Event video (YouTube)
This event seeks to provide former study participants with an opportunity to learn about the results of the study in which they participated.
This hour-long Zoom event will include two 15-minute presentations given by investigators to former research participants from the studies being presented. The audience will also have a chance to ask questions for 15 minutes following each presentation. While former participants are the target audience, the general public, including all Wellforce employees, are invited.
Dr. Courtney Schroeder from the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Tufts Medical Center:
A Phase 2 Trial of Infliximab in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Dr. CJ Hasson from the Department of Physical Therapy at Northeastern University:
Cyberphysical Therapy for Enhanced Neuromotor Recovery in Stroke Survivors
Learning Objectives
- To communicate study findings in plain language and using visual cues
- To understand the impact that disseminating research results has on former study participants and the community at-large
Attendees will:
- Understand the results of the trials in which they participated
- Have a heightened awareness about research being conducted at Tufts Medical Center and/or Tufts University
Who should attend
Former research participants, Wellforce employees, and the general public.
Thursday, June 24
6:00PM, via Zoom
To attend from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device click this URL to join:
Passcode: 628570
Or join by phone:
- US: +1 646 876 9923, or
- +1 301 715 8592, or
- +1 312 626 6799, or
- +1 408 638 0968, or
- +1 669 900 6833, or
- +1 253 215 8782, or
- +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 942 9126 5014