Need guidance on developing your recruitment and retention plan?

Join us for an hour-long workshop, Developing Recruitment and Retention Plans. This session will take place during lunch hour, so please feel free to bring your lunch.

Recruitment and retention are critical to the success of a research study; however, generating a plan that considers cost, target audience, best practices, and retention of participants can be challenging during the study development phase of research. This workshop, led by Sara Folta, PhD, Director of Integrating Underrepresented Populations in Research and C. Phillip Oettgen, Project Manager of the Recruitment and Retention Support Unit (RRSU) seeks to raise awareness about the key elements and major considerations of a recruitment and retention plan.

After attending this event, participants should be able to do the following on their own:

  • Describe how to set realistic recruitment goals for research studies
  • Explain how to identify and best reach different target audiences, including underrepresented populations
  • Recognize realistic expectations and knowledge of resources
  • Discuss challenges to retention and key strategies to improve it.


Thursday, March 14, noon-1:00PM
Tufts CTSI, 35 Kneeland Street, 8th Floor Conference Room
Boston MA


This program is open to research coordinators and investigators in clinical and non-clinical fields. Any research team members interested in recruitment and retention are welcome.

To attend, please register here.

Tufts CTSI Professional Education & Expectation for Course Participants

Tufts CTSI’s Professional Education programs provide non-degree continuing education and training for clinical and translational research professionals from all Tufts CTSI partners and beyond.

Course enrollment priority is given to researchers from Tufts CTSI partner institutions. If your participation needs to be approved by your supervisor or a person responsible for your time release, you may provide their contact information when you register for the program.

This course is provided free of charge, and was supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of health, Award Number UL1TR002544. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.