Do you have an idea for a project involving one of the four main areas of One Health?
- Zoonotic and environmentally-induced diseases
- Diseases shared by humans and other animals (e.g., cancer, heart disease, obesity, arthritis)
- Challenges and solutions at the intersection of humans, animals, and the environment
- Human-animal interactions
Submit a two-page proposal for presentation at a Tufts CTSI One Health Symposium Plus workshop on Monday, October 7, 2019, 9:30AM-1:30PM, Tufts University Boston Health Sciences Campus.
The workshop will focus on 3-4 projects, with the objective of assisting teams to develop proposals for future grant submission. Selected teams will receive support before and after the workshop to develop successful grant proposals.
Planning grant funds up to $5,000 are available, as appropriate, for selected projects.
The proposal submission deadline is Friday, August 16. Read the Request for Proposals (PDF) for more information.