Interested in showcasing your translational research? Want to find collaborators or get feedback on a work-in-progress?
Faculty, fellows, residents, students, staff and community partners affiliated with Tufts CTSI are invited to participate in the poster session at Translational Research Day 2020 on Friday, March 6.
Posters will be displayed electronically (on HD screens from ePosterBoards) from 8:30AM-noon at Tufts Medical Center, Wolff Auditorium Lobby, 800 Washington Street, Boston, MA.
Previously presented posters are welcome.
Why should you participate?
- Present your work on translational research (team science and stakeholder-engaged research is especially welcome!)
- Expand on your scientific and/or professional skill set
- Develop cross-departmental and cross-institutional research collaborations
To submit your abstract, please email with:
- Your name and institution
- Poster title
- Poster authors
- Poster abstract
Submissions are due by Friday, February 21.
Please also register for Translational Research Day.
How should you prepare your electronic poster?
ePosterBoards provides formatting guidelines on their website and on YouTube.
Please be sure to:
- Use the landscape format
- Save any formulas as an image (PC users)
- Use a large font size, preferably 28pt or larger
- Feel free to add multiple slides and to embed videos, animation, and hyperlinks to make your poster more dynamic.
Have questions or need help? Email