Seminars & Workshops
Center for Quantitative Methods and Data Sciences Seminar: Karin Knudson, PhD

The Center for Quantitative Methods and Data Sciences, in partnership with the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) Center and the Data-Intensive Studies Center (DISC) will host a Zoom seminar series on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 2:00-3:00PM.

The first session on Wednesday, September 23 will feature Karin Knudson, PhD, Senior Data Scientist with DISC. She will speak about the estimation of ataxia severity and disease classification from wearable sensor recordings.


Wearable sensor data offer the potential for rich and interpretable descriptions of behavioral characteristics of ataxia and other neurodegenerative diseases. High quality behavioral biomarkers are important for understanding disease progression, assessing efficacy in clinical trials, and supporting early diagnosis and targeted interventions. In this talk we present methods for using accelerometer and gyroscope time series data from wearable sensors in order to accurately distinguish patients with ataxia from healthy controls and to estimate disease severity. We combine information from an autoregressive hidden Markov model variant and time-frequency analysis to create a flexible, extensible, and meaningful quantitative description of movement and to perform severity estimation and disease classification with short periods of data collection.


Dr. Knudson is a Senior Data Scientist with the Tufts Data Intensive Studies Center (DISC). Her research has involved the development and application of methods from machine learning, Bayesian statistics, and compressive sensing, particularly to neural data. Before joining Tufts, she was a Research Fellow in the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and was previously the Chair of the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at Phillips Academy. She completed her PhD in Mathematics at the University of Texas at Austin.


Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 2:00-3:00PM

Location: Zoom video conference.



Seminars & Workshops
Foundations of Team Science Workshop

Are you an investigator interested in learning practical skills for working on team-based research projects?

Contemporary biomedical and health research grants often involve more than a single principal investigator (PI) or working with the lab down the hall. Whether focused on a public health strategy or a novel treatment, scientists increasingly find they need to work as part of a team with collaborators from different disciplines, institutions, and communities.

To help researchers succeed in a team-based environment, Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and the Tufts University Office of Research Development are offering a workshop on team science fundamentals. Developed with the assistance ofthe Tufts Technology Services Design Practice, the intensive four-hour training provides an evidence-based framework for effective collaboration planning. Participants will gain practical skills for building cohesive teams and strategies that are adaptable to diverse research domains and settings.

By the end of this interactive symposium, event participants should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of team science skills to successful research outcomes
  • Understand the team science competencies needed for building new research teams
  • Use tools and strategies for:
    • Formulating shared goals and vision
    • Understanding individual contributions, opportunities for collaboration, and gaps within the team
    • Creating a collaboration plan.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020, 10:00 –11:30AM, and
Wednesday, October 7, 2020, 10:00am –noon.

Location: Online via Zoom (a link will be emailed to those who register).

This workshop is open to faculty and research staff at any level. The curriculum is designed to be useful to new and experienced investigators, including seasoned PIs interested in developing program- or center-level proposals.

This will be a two-part workshop for a total of three-and-one-half hours. Registrants are expected to attend both parts A and B, and complete a short (20-30 minute) homework assignment between the sessions.

This is the first workshop in a series that Tufts CTSI will be offering on Team Science. Participants will be able to join any or all at no cost.


To attend, please register here by September 23, 2020.

Agenda – Part A, September 30

  • 10:00AM: Welcome: Defining Team Science and the Need for a Team-Based Approach
  • 10:15AM: Team Science Competencies and Strategies Overview
  • 10:30AM: Individual Collaboration Readiness
  • 10:45AM: Milestone Brainstorm
  • 11:00AM: Prepare for Part B Grand Challenge Scenario
  • 11:15AM: Wrap-up

Agenda – Part B, October 7

  • 10:00AM: Review and Introduction to Grand Challenge Scenario
  • 10:15AM: Breakout Groups: Shared Visions Statements and Milestones
  • 11:15AM: Report Out
  • 11:25AM: Collaboration Plan Demonstration
  • 11:45AM: Wrap-up

Tufts CTSI Professional Education & Expectations for Course Participants

Tufts CTSI’s Professional Education programs provide non-degree continuing education and training for clinical and translational research professionals from all Tufts CTSI partners and beyond.

Course enrollment priority is given to researchers from Tufts CTSI partner institutions. If your participation needs to be approved by your supervisor or a person responsible for your time release, you may provide their contact information when you register for the program.

This course is provided free of charge and is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Award Number UL1TR002544.  The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.